Support Ministries
Deacon Harry Thompson

Sis. Tammy Scott
Care Ministry
Will perform acts of kindness for FBMC bereaved families, sick and shut-in members, hospitalized, and those who reside in nursing homes; will provide cards, flowers and/or monetary gifts to comply with our objectives.

Sis. Audrey Covington
Health Ministry
To promote healthy lifestyles among our church congregation and community; to educate and inform FBMC members and the community in choosing healthier lifestyles and reducing health disparities.

Sis. Patrice Murphy-Wilson
Hospitality Ministry
To create an atmosphere of love, care and fellowship reflecting the love of Christ by greeting and welcoming all who enter our church.

Sis. Cynthia Graham
Pastor's Aide Ministry
To assist with the needs of the pastor so that he may have more uninterrupted time to spend studying and spreading God's Word; and to give spiritual assistance and physical help to our pastor however needed.

Deacon Harry Thompson
Deacon's Ministry
The mission of the DEACON MINISTRY is to assist the pastor of the church in fulfilling all the duties of pastoral care, included not limited to serving, equipping, encouraging, edifying and monitoring the spiritual growth of all the members.

Deacon Harry Thompson
Veteran's Ministry
The Veterans Ministry will promote the spiritual health and growth of veterans, and their families, addressing their unique experiences by providing biblically-based, doctrinally sound fellowship, encouragement and resources.